West Grove Fire Company
West Grove Fire Company

2024 Incidents
Fire EMS
Jan 84 322
Feb 45 264
Mar 54 285
Apr 54 265
May 60 301
Jun 58 279
Jul 69 304
Aug 74 329
Sep 72 333
Oct 0 0
Nov 0 0
Dec 0 0
Total 570 2682

2024 Incidents by Municipality
Franklin 57 164
London Britain 33 111
London Grove 150 584
London Derry 0 145
New London 64 272
Penn 151 940
West Grove 33 125
Mutual Aid 82 341
Total 570 2682

Past Incidents
Fire EMS
2023 728 3250
2022 673 3142
2021 611 2896
2020 580 2565
2019 651 2442
2018 657 2612
2017 665 2394
2016 708 2313
2015 560 2208
2014 619 2244
2013 577 2095
2012 577 1957
2011 534 2035
2010 588 1782

Web Counters
Website Visitors
January 1, 2016
Visitors Today
Oct 22, 2024


Third Station Project

Station 32 is the WGFC's third fire station, and is designed to bring emergency apparatus into the communities surrounding the intersection of Route 896 and Flint Hill Road in London Britain Township. Station 32 is equidistant from the existing WGFC stations in West Grove and New London, approximately 6.5 miles from each.  The address of Station 32 is at 1517 New London Road, Landenberg, PA, 19350. Station 32 is expected to open in early spring 2012. Tax deductible donations to support the project and the fire company can be made electronically on this website at http://www.wgfc.org/content/donations/ or can be mailed to the West Grove Fire Company at PO Box 201, West Grove, PA, 19390.

Regular construction updates and photos will be posted here.  See below:


March 28, 2012

Construction Nears Completion:   Final preparations are underway to complete the West Grove Fire Company's third station in London Britain Township.   It is hoped the organization will receive approvals to begin operations over the next days.

For the first time, the American flag is flying over Station 32.

Paving of the parking areas and the township entrance road is also underway.



The interior of the building is nearly 100 percent complete and approved.   Work has concentrated on the outside of the property as teams have been grading and seeding the property, installing the guide rail on top of the retaining wall, and paving the fire company's parking lots and the township roadway.


Still to come will be line painting for parking and the roadway entrances, along with installation of the piping and fire pump for the buried water supply.

February 29, 2012

Final preparations to the West Grove Fire Company's new station are well underway as the project moves near completion.  Here are the construction updates for the last ten day:

Construction of the pump house building is well underway.  This building's finish will mimic the fire station, and will house equipment to service the buried 30,000 gallon water tank.


Also outside the building, electricians have begun installing external lighting, which provide night and security lighting.  These fixtures are designed to "throw" light downwards, reducing light "pollution" in the park area.

Crews from Metropolitan installed the emergency radio systems into the building last week.  This includes mounting three antennas on the south building front.  One antenna monitors area fire and ems frequencies for the four country area.  Another antenna let's Station 32 communicate with WGFC's high band radio system for operations.   The final antenna allows connection to the Chester County 911 800 emergency radio system.  The antennas are grounded for lightning protection via a specalized system that is tied into the building's lightening and grounding system.


Internal preparations include mounting hose reels, installing equipment in the lavatories, assembling and placing gear racks for firefighting turnout gear and hoses, and placing and installing an air compressor.


Lastly, preparations in the office and lounge are nearly complete with the installation of countertops and plumbing.


With final electrical inspection complete, the WGFC hopes to take ownership of the building shortly.

February 20, 2012

Crews are moving quickly forward on the interior appointments of the new statio this week.  Here are the latest updates:

Attractive rolled flooring and baseboard moldings have been installed in the office, lounge and bathrooms.

Cabinets have been installed into the lounge area.  This area will be a kitchenette, and the WGFC thanks Lowe's for their donation.

Also installed is a cabinet which will hold our emergency radio equipment and 911 call printers, along with the buildings combination exit/emergency lights.

Also installed by WGFC members were speakers that will broadcast fire/ambulance radio reports throughout the building.

Work is about to begin on the external pump house, with lumber and roof trusses delivered to the site today.


February 15, 2012

The construction pace at Station 32 continues to accelerate toward a successful conclusion.   For this update, here are new milestones completed:

The compressor unit for the air conditioning system has been installed back on the generator pad.  Air conditioning will be available in the "office spaces" only.

The fire department connection to the sprinkler system was installed on the north front of the building below the Knox Box.  This connection allows fire trucks to hook into the buildings system should that be needed.  The Knox Box allows fire companies to enter private and commercial buildings with special access keys available in secured, radio-controlled units inside fire trucks.

Crews continue to prepare the engine room floor for the application of sealants.

Crews completed dropping sprinkler system heads in the office areas, which allowed the ceiling tile grids and lights to be installed in the "office" areas of the fire station.  Electricians have begun powering lights -- allowing lights to be turned on for the first time in this new structure.


Final drywall was installed in the stairwell to the second floor, and additional gravel work was done to prepare the parking lots for first paving.



February 3, 2012

During the past week, crews have completed installing the white finishing materials on the engine room ceilings and walls.  Not only do these surfaces make cleaning easy, they also reflect light, making the engine room a bright, safe working environment for WGFC crews.  Construction teams have completed the dry wall work and applied a primer coat of paint to the office area walls.


Also completed was the decorative fencing that screens our generator and other equipment from traffic along 896.

Lastly, the air conditioning system and ductwork was installed that will provide cool air for the office areas in the summer.

January 22, 2012

With the weather turning colder, work on the Station 32 project has moved indoors, with important progress taking place over the last ten days.

Crews have completed the installation of the propane boiler, which flows hot water into pipes that flow through the concrete floor.  This high efficiency heating system has been turned on, and the new fire station is heated for the first time.


Also getting installed in the utility room is the new high-efficiency hot water heater.  This so-called "flash heater" only heats hot water on demand, eliminating the constant heating of a tank of water as found on dated designs.  

With the building heating turned on, crews can begin the work of installing drywall in the office areas.   This view shows the lounge area (this view faces toward the soon-to-be-installed kitchenette.

This view shows the second floor.  This large area will be used for storage, and provides a huge area for future use.

Also on the interior, crews have been working on the piping that controls the fire suppression system.  This complex "tree" of piping will control a wet and dry sprinkler system.  The WGFC believes all new construction should be sprinklered to protect lives and property.

Crews have also "skinned" the ceiling with the white metal panels that will also cover the engine room walls.  These panels not only provide low maintenance protection and durability, their surface color will enhance lighting.

Despite the cold and snow this week, crews also began installing the decorative stone work that will run along the bottom of the building.  

Crews also completed curbing along the west parking area, and poured the small foundation floor for the pump house, which sits over the buried water tank.


January 11, 2012

On both the interior and exterior of the fire station, work progresses as the New Year gets underway.

With all of the underground utilities in place, fresh stone has been placed in advance of paving the driveways and parking areas.  And, thanks to an important investment by the supervisors of London Britain Township, the future park roadway has been extended. This roadway extension will provide a wide, safe place to park fire trucks and tanker trucks to speed access to the 15,000 gallons of water stored on the property in a buried tank for fire fighting purposes.  

On the interior of Station 32, the first building and electrical inspections went well.  This has allowed for the installation of insulation in the walls.  This will quickly be followed by drywall in the next week.


Lastly, progress has been made in installing the new propane-fired boiler which will heat water that will circulate in hundreds of feet of plastic piping contained in the concrete floors.  This will be the primary source of heat for the engine room and office spaces in the building.  With the installation of the propane tank as well, the building should have its first heat very shortly.

January 1, 2012

Work continues at Station 32 as the project moves closer to completion.

On the exterior, K.L. Madron Well Drilling was onsite to drill the well for water.   The WGFC thanks them for graciously donating this service.   This well will be for domestic water purposes.  

Construction crews also completed the burial of the septic tank and associated piping.


On the interior, contractors continue the build out of the fire station's electrical, HVAC and data systems.   

December 14, 2011 Update

Wednesday, December 14 was an important day in the construction project at Station 32 with the arrival and installation of a 30,000 gallon water tank behind the new firehouse.  

Installed at considerable expense, the tank will serve three purposes:  1)  it is an integral part of managing stormwater on site, 2) it provides a source of water for Station 32's fire protection sprinkler system, and 3) will provide water for fighting fires in a mostly-rural area that does not have fire hydrants.

WGFC is setting an example for construction in the area by assuring its facilities are protected by a modern sprinkler system, assuring the communities investment in WGFC facilities with a system that can protect the building from fire.  15,000 gallons of water in this tank will provide a source of water for the sprinkler system.

The second 15,000 gallons of water can be used by the fire company as an emergency source of water for fighting fires in the area.   The pump that provides water for the building's sprinkler system can also be used to fill fire trucks, and fire pumpers will also have access to a dry hydrant which will allow them to pump water from the tank into fire trucks.   

After excavating the required hole for the tank (sized at 54' feet long and approximately 10' in diameter), crews laid a bed of stone for the tank to sit upon, and a small hole was dug to provide room for a protuding section on the bottom of the tank where the pump will sit.


Crews from McComsey Builders (general contractor) and Page Excavating then used a large crane from Bob's Crane Service to swing in place six large concrete anchors -- each weighing nearly 2,200 lbs.  These anchors were laid along each side of the hole -- and provide a way to secure the tank using a series of straps.



Coming from central Pensylvania, the large tank arrived on a special tractor trailer.  The tank was then hoisted from the trailer into position next to the crane, to allow for the attachment of the pump housing.   

Then the big lift and swing was started.  The tank, weighing nearly 9,000 pounds, was swung all the way around and turned in the air, to be lowered slowly between the rows of concrete anchors and strapped into place.  During this lift, the tank was spun completely around to place the pump housing at the right end of the trench.

The tank was lowered into place and then strapped to the anchors.


Page Excavating crews then began the process of buring the tank and anchors with stone -- an estimated 40 dump truck loads of stone will be required to complete the installation.  WGFC crews loaded the first 6,000 gallons of water into the tank as the day came to an end.


December 12, 2011 Update

Crews are taking advantage of good weather to move ahead with a variety of projects on the outside of Station 32, while interior crews are moving quickly.

On the inside, work is underway to hang the piping for the building's fire protection sprinkler system.  Crews are piping the attic spaces in the trusses, and hanging pipe in the office areas, and building the controling "christmas tree" that will run the system.  The WGFC is providing a full sprinkler system in this new contruction as an example of its support of similar systems in all residential and commercial construction.  Sprinklers save lives and property. (See photo below).

Also, crews today began hanging the large overhead doors on the north and south ends of the building (See photos):

Taking full advantage of good weather, crews from Page Excavating today began digging the large hole that will soon be home of the 30,000 gallon water tank.  The tank will provide water for the building's sprinkler system for fire protection, and will provide water for fighting fires in mostly-rural area around Station 32.  The tank will be 54 feet long, and is expected to be buried this week (see photos):

December 1, 2011 Update

Construction crews made significant progress this week.  Today the ramp on the north side of the building was poured, which not only forms the entrance ramp to the "rear" of the firehouse, but will also support the generator, fuel tank and other equipment on the northwest corner of the building.

Inside the building, work has begun on framing the walls of the first floor offices, which will include a radio room, lounge, bathrooms and the storage and engineering spaces.   Crews are expected to frame up the deck for the second floor before the week is finished.


On the "front" of the firehouse, crews worked to prepare the south ramp for its concrete pour in the days ahead.

Over the next two weeks, the project plan calls for the arrival of the 30,000 underground water tank, which will supply water for the building's sprinkler system, and provide water for supplying fire trucks for emergency calls.  The buildings propane tank will arrive for underground installation, and the base coat of the parking lots and driveways will be paved.  Interior work on the second floor, and electrical installations will continue to move forward.  Stay tuned for additional pictures and updates.

November 21, 2011 Update

Significant construction progress has been made in the last weeks at the West Grove Fire Company's newest fire station, being built along Route 896 in London Britain Township.

Heavy equipment was onsite just before Thanksgiving, as crews set up to pump tons of concrete into the building to create the building's main floor. A heavy concrete pump was used to pump the concrete into the full length of the 80' building, delivering truck load after truck load of cement that will create an 8" thick floor to support the emergency apparatus. 

The concrete covered special insulation foam sheets upon which sits the polymer tubing that will heat the floor. The fire company chose a heating system that heats the floor, keeping the concrete warm to provide the majority of the building's heat supply.



The outer shell of Station 32 is complete, with only some cosmetic stone to be added. Once the floor dries, interior wall construction will move quickly. PECO crews have brought power to the site, and external concrete aprons will be poured next. 

The Building Has Begun

Station 32 has begun to take shape over the last couple of weeks.  The framework for the building is up and the metal roof was  installed just last week.  The following pictures will give you an idea of colors, what rooms will be added and where they will be located.

Front of Building looking North.

Rear of Building looking South.

Route 896 side of Building.

Exterior Siding with Dry Stack Stone below using some of the red stone from sample to right.

Roof, Shutter and Exterior Entrance Doors Color.  Windows, Trim and Overhead Doors will be white.


London Britain Station Construction Begins

Significant construction progress began the week of December 20, 2010, on the West Grove Fire Company's third station, located along Route 896 next to the park in London Britain Township.
Station 32 is a project that has been in the making for many years, and marks the WGFC's efforts to bring emergency services into the communities we serve.  This project represents a significant investment of about $700,000 by the fire company, and will feature a two bay fire station, that can house as many as four pieces of fire apparatus.    In addition to the construction of the station, the WGFC has also ordered a new fire truck for about $650,000 that will expand the fleet to allow a fire truck to be housed at Station 32.
This week, the construction project featured the first structure work, with the building of a concrete retaining wall, which will allow for the leveling of the property, upon which the fire station will shortly rise.   Pictures of the retaining wall construction are included with this article.   
The construction should be complete in 4-6 months, depending on the winter weather.  
Concrete is pumped into forms, signaling the start of significant construction at Station 32, the WGFC's third station, located in London Britain Township. Concrete is pumped into forms, signaling the start of significant construction at Station 32, the WGFC's third station, located in London Britain Township.
This week, stormwater piping was laid from the fire company lot, back to the Township's stormwater management pond toward the rear of the park property. This week, stormwater piping was laid from the fire company lot, back to the Township's stormwater management pond toward the rear of the park property.
The northwest corner of the retaining wall. The northwest corner of the retaining wall.
Formwork hides the concrete wall, which will support the leveling of the property.  The new firehouse wil sit up on the leveled site, near where the John Deere tractor is shown in this view. Formwork hides the concrete wall, which will support the leveling of the property. The new firehouse wil sit up on the leveled site, near where the John Deere tractor is shown in this view.
Once the wall is cured, earth will be compacted into the space to the right of the all, and over the massive footers. Once the wall is cured, earth will be compacted into the space to the right of the all, and over the massive footers.

WGFC to Build Third Fire Station in London Britain

At the regular May, 2010 meeting of the West Grove Fire Company, the membership affirmed its long-term strategic plan to build a new fire sub-station in London Britain township by authorizing a budget for construction and buying a new fire engine.  
Planning and work on this project has been in the making for years, as a core component of the WGFC long-term strategic plan has always been to have additional station locations to speed emergency response, rather than a concept built upon a central station.   The plan had its first major success with the 1993 opening of fire company operations in New London.  
Since then, the company has been carefully considering expanding in the area of Flint Hill Road and Route 896 in London Britain township.  When London Britain township expanded its park several years ago, the supervisors set aside a two acre parcel of land for potential use as a fire station.    That parcel of ground, available to the fire company long term for $1.00 per year, is about to become Station 32, the third of WGFC's locations - the main station is in West Grove and the second station is in New London.
At its meeting, the fire company membership affirmed the early planning on the project, setting aside a budget for site preparation and building construction.   The company also authorized spending money to purchase a new fire truck that would expand the company's fleet so that a fire engine could be available at the new station.  A finance committee was also formed to review options on how to pay for the overall project.  
Work is already underway at the site, along Route 896, just north of Flint Hill Road.   The township is building Phase One of the three-phase project.   Phase One is the construction of an entrance road to the property, which will ultimately become the entrance road to the future expanded park.  Phase Two is the construction of a storm water management system for the expanded park, which will also serve to handle the needs of the fire station.  Phase Three of the project -- the construction of the station will come next.  
The new sub-station will be approximately 60' by 80' in size, with two drive through apparatus bays, and office space.  It is expected to take about six to eight months to construct the station, and nearly one year to take delivery on a fire truck.    Ultimately, the station will house a fire truck and ambulance.  
This photograph shows the new entrance road in the foreground, looking north along Route 896 toward the intersection with Indiantown Road. This photograph shows the new entrance road in the foreground, looking north along Route 896 toward the intersection with Indiantown Road.
This area will ultimately be the location of the fire station, with two drive through bays and and offices along Route 896. This area will ultimately be the location of the fire station, with two drive through bays and and offices along Route 896.
This photo was taken from the approximate front door of the future fire station, toward Route 896, looking south toward the intersection with Flint Hill Road. This photo was taken from the approximate front door of the future fire station, toward Route 896, looking south toward the intersection with Flint Hill Road.

One Step Closer to a Fire Station in London Britain Township

The next chapter was written this week in the effort to bring a fire station to London Britain Township with the demolition of the buildings located on the former DeHorty property at Nichol Park.  The property, part of an expansion of the park along Route 896, will be the future home of a fire station -- the third station of the volunteer West Grove Fire Company.
This week, contractors hired by the Township began demolishing the house and outbuildings.  Soon site preparation work will take place, as the property is graded and a new driveway is constructed.  It is hoped the ground cleared will be home to a two-bay fire station, bringing emergency apparatus to the southern portion of the WGFC's territory.
On land provided by the Township, the fire company hopes to begin construction of its third station in 2008.   The company's other stations are located in West Grove Borough and New London Township.  The fire company gratefully acknowledges the continuing support of the London Britain Township supervisors and staff.
Demolition is well underway at the future site of the West Grove Fire Company's third station in London Britain Township.
Demolition is well underway at the future site of the West Grove Fire Company's third station in London Britain Township. 
This view shows the current driveway.  The future entrance of the Park and the fire station will enter off Route 896 at this point.
This view shows the current driveway. The future entrance of the Park and the fire station will enter off Route 896 at this point.




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Firehouse Solutions
West Grove Fire Company
PO Box 201
West Grove, PA, 19390
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 610-869-9326
Station Fax: 610-869-4217
E-mail: info@wgfc.org
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