Members of the WGFC first responder family joined with hundreds of others to mark the anniversary of 9-11 by walking across the Chesapeake City bridge on Wednesday. WGFC volunteers also participated in a memorial stair climb in Lancaster, PA.
9-11 marks a significant and tragic milestone in the nation's history, made even more significant for first responders by the loss of so many firefighters and other responders on that tragic day. Events across the country mark the date, with firefighter walks and stair climbs held to recognize the efforts of New York Fire Department responders who climbed up the stairs of the World Trade Center towers in efforts to save so many before the towers fell.
West Grove first responders participated in the bridge walk held by the Fire Company #1 of Chesapeake City. We are proud of the WGFC group who walked, including firefighters Rob Kloss, Morgan Yingling, and Mike Lindsay who completed the event in full turnout gear (with Rob Kloss carrying an air pack as well). The bridge has a total span of over 3,900 feet, and the climb up to the top and back made the walk even the more challenging -- as well as the closely passing highway traffic. Well done WGFC team!
West Grove firefighters also participated in the 2024 Lancaster 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb. The annual event is held at the Clipper Magazine Stadium in Lancaster, PA. This is the 14th year for the Climb, with participants marching up the stadium stairs out of respect for the firefighters in NYC who bravely climbed the steps of the World Trade Center Towers on that fateful morning 23 years ago. WGFC firefighters in full turnout gear climbed the stadium steps the equivalent of 110 stories while carrying a picture badge of one of the fallen FDNY firefighters.
Well done WGFC team! |