October Fire Prevention Month
By WGFC Volunteers
October 6, 2017

October is Fire Safety Month and the West Grove Fire Company is proud share our knowledge of fire safety. Every year at this time, volunteers and career staff under the tremendous lead of the Fire Prevention Committee Chair Lisa Glass or commonly known by the youth of the Avon Grove community as "Fire Lisa" head out to the elementary schools; kindergarten centers and day care centers to spread the word about fire safety. This year is no different as the schedule is pretty full with attendance at multiple places throughout the month. So parents be prepared!! When your child comes home with homework for you, please help to share the lessons learned such as: locations of smoke detectors, where the family meeting place is and why it is important to keep lighters and matches in a safe place. Let them tell you about what number to call in an emergency; what to do if your clothes catch on fire and why it is important to sleep with bedroom doors closed.

West Grove Fire Company promotes fire safety 12 months a year. If you ever have questions, please contact us through our web site www.wgfc.org.

Thank you and be fire safe year round.