Avon Grove Trainers Partner with West Grove Fire
By Member Todd Mazur
October 13, 2015

With the start of school and the crisp fall nights comes the time honored tradition of High School Football. To the West Grove Fire Company, that means providing EMS standby coverage at Avon Grove High School. The department members always look forward to these events. Many are excited to return to their alma mater, others just enjoy watching a good football game.

This year was unique. Prior to the start of the season the department was contacted by the Avon Grove Athletic Training Department. The athletic trainers and team physician, Brian Demuth, MD, wanted to meet and learn more about our department’s protocols. Our company was excited to create a partnership with the Avon Grove Staff. We feel very strongly that teamwork always leads to better outcomes. Gary Vinnacombe, EMS Manager, Captain Jeff Simpson, and Firefighter Alex Litchfield met with Dr. Demuth and the Athletic Trainers. Each group discussed their standard operating procedures. PIAA regulations were reviewed. New spinal immobilization protocols were discussed. They collaborated on different ideas on how they could work better as a team, instead of two separate units, when a player is injured.

The meeting was a great success. Each group left with a better understanding of the others role. Changes were implemented immediately and have already proven successful. We appreciate the Avon Grove staff’s interest and their desire to provide the highest quality care. The fire company looks forward to expanding our relationship through the years.