2015 Fire Safety Month
By West Grove Fire Company
October 7, 2015

Fire Prevention week is held annually in October during the week that includes October 9th. Volunteers and Career staff from the WGFC will be visiting many of the schools, pre-schools and day care centers in our district to talk to the children about fire safety. Topics include: Stay low in smoke; use the back of your hand to check your bedroom door for heat; only adults should use lighters and matches; Stop-Drop-Roll if your clothes catch on fire and call 9-1-1 for emergencies.

Firefighter Lisa is well known in the community as she talks to the children and befriends them putting her firefighting gear on so they are not afraid. "You will always see my eyes" she tells the children about the face mask every firefighter wears so they breath clean air and not the smoke from a fire. While she is fully geared up breathing air from the self contained breathing apparatus and face mask she is wearing, she will walk through the crowd of children and get them to touch her gloved hand reassuring them that firefighters are friendly and not to be afraid of them. It usually works!