West Grove participates in 9/11 Memorial
By Assistant Chief Bob Hannan
September 18, 2014

On September 7, the West Grove Fire Company, along with multiple other companies participated in the 343 Miles for 343 Firefighters Walk in Del Castle Park in New Castle County Delaware. WG was represented by an Engine, Command vehicle, and 9 members. The purpose of the event is to walk a mile for every firefighter who perished on September 11, 2001. The distance also symbolizes the distance the firefighters walked up the stairs in the World Trade Center. They made it to the 78th floor, and to honor them and their commitment this walk is done in full turnout gear, wearing self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and tools that would have been carried on that fateful day.
This is the second year (the event has happened for 7) that West Grove participated. The walk starts with a commemorative speech, where this year the names of the NYPD and Port Authority Police Officers were read to honor their sacrific, as well. All walkers are given a card with a firefighter name, rank and assigned apparatus. The walk itself is quite the event. One of the interesting moments was the confused looks on the faces of the people passing by in cars, staring at a line of firefighters in full gear walking around a park. I would imagine it is quite the site to see - without knowing the premise would appear quite strange. After the walk was completed the walkers lined up and read the name of the fallen member, and then rang a bell in their honor. The bell rang 343 times that day and every name of a first responder who perished was read to honor their sacrifice. It took over an hour for just that part, which really brings to light the 343 firefighter lives lost. Couple that with the civilian losses and it has a lasting effect
It was a good day, albeit emotional, for all who participated. We were able to honor our fallen brothers and sisters in a way that did their ultimate sacrifice justice they deserved and we look forward to participating next year.