WGFC Welcomes 2014
By Chief Eric Felker
January 11, 2014

West Grove Fire Company is starting its 110th year of service to the community. We are very excited to enter the New Year. Our volunteer and career members have been busy answering emergency calls and training for the next emergency. Our fire and EMS crews answered just under 2700 emergency calls in 2013. Our team has been very busy. Our volunteer members have completed over 2900 hours of training. Our team is comprised of 54 active volunteers and 27 career staff members. We have had 8 members graduate from the Chester County Fire Academy's Firefighter 1 program, attaining national certification in Firefighter 1. Two other members have graduated from the academy's Fire Officer 1 program, becoming nationally certified in Fire Officer 1. Three members have graduated Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) programs and are now volunteering on our ambulances. We are always looking for new members, and if you think that you could help your community by serving with us, please contact us through our website, http://www.wgfc.org/content/join/ and submit a membership application.

Our mission is simple, to deliver superior emergency services to our community. Our goal for 2014 is continue delivering superior service in the safest possible manner. We will do this with professionalism and commitment to our community. We have a dedicated team of volunteers and career members, ready to answer the next emergency call. We are looking forward to serving you in 2014.