Cat Rescue in London Britain Township
April 21, 2024

The old adage is usually true: a cat up a tree will simply climb back down when it gets hungry enough. But, after three days, a London Britain Township homeowner was concerned and asked the West Grove Fire Company for help.

Generally speaking, the fire company doesn't want to be in the cat-up-a-tree-business. But our first responders are pet owners too, we are in the community service business, and -- if we are available and the situation is safe for our equipment and first responders -- the fire company can sometimes assist.

This particular cat was 45 feet up a tree and had been there since Wednesday evening. As soon as Ladder 22 backed in to the driveway, it seemed the cat knew the game was up and started backing down the tree. With a little encouragement from Firefighter RJ Hill and his 16' pike pole, the cat ultimately descended to about 15 feet off the ground and leaped to safety.

Units: Ladder 22, Fire Police