House Fire in Franklin Township
November 4, 2023

Sparks from a fireplace ignited a small fire in the living area of a home in the Southview Estates neighborhood in Franklin Township early Saturday morning.

West Grove Fire Company was dispatched at 7:41am for the house fire, along with units from Avondale, Oxford, Elkton, and Cochranville Fire companies. The Chester County 911 Center reported a fire in a carpet was burning, with the homeowner using a fire extinguisher and evacuating the residence.

WGFC responded with Ladder 22, Engine 22-3, Engine 22-2, Rescue 22, Ambulances 1 & 2, and fire police. WGFC's Asst. Chief reported a fire in the carpet and flooring adjacent to the fireplace, requesting arriving Engine 22-3 to bring a water can to the residence. Crews from West Grove cut back the carpet, exposing the wood floor which had burnt through to the floor joists. Crews used a power saw to remove the plywood subfloor and expose all areas next to the fireplace, and checking with thermal imaging cameras to assure fire extinguishment.

The assignment was reduced to the WGFC units who were on scene for just over an hour.

Units: Ladder 22, Engine 22-3, Engine 22-2, Rescue 22, Ambulances 1 & 2, Fire Police
Mutual Aid: Engine 21-1, Tanker 21, Cecil Engine 13-1 (Elkton), Rescue 27 (Cochranville), Engine 23-2 and Tanker 23 (Avondale)