Troop 62 Visits the WGFC
March 3, 2023

Local Troop 62 of the Chester County Boy Scouts Council visited the West Grove Fire Company on Saturday, as part of an effort to earn a merit badge in fire safety.

The Troop got a detailed overview of Ladder 22, Engine 22-1 and Tanker 22. They each got a chance to don firefighting turnout gear, gloves and helmet, while learning about the air packs too. All of the visitors discussed fire safety topics and learned about what it takes to become a firefighter and EMT.

The WGFC is recognized across Chester County and Pennsylvania for its robust program and year-round efforts to teach children about fire safety topics, and help community groups get exposed to the fire and EMS service as part of its community education efforts. For more information about firehouse tours and fire safety, consult the fire company website homepage.

Units: Ladder 22, Tanker 22, Engine 22-1