Time to Check Those Smoke Detectors
November 3, 2020

With the clocks falling back, temperatures getting cold, and November arriving, it's time to make home and family fire safety a priority.

Twice each year, it's important to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. The change in seasons and/or the change to and from daylight savings time is a perfect reminder to go around the house and replace batteries on all smoke detectors...and don't forget the carbon monoxide detectors too!

You should already be testing smoke detectors regularly -- even monthly. Fresh batteries twice per year is important. If your system is hardwired they still have backup batteries that need to be changed.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has great information on smoke detector safety and installation at the link listed below. The site also includes special materials just for kids.

Smoke detectors save lives. Make sure your home is properly equipped!

Hyperlinks: NFPA Smoke Detector Safety and Installation