Water that Christmas Tree -- It Can Save Your Life!
By Secretary Bill Wohl
December 14, 2018

Each year, many homes are damaged or destroyed by fires caused by dry Christmas trees that catch on fire due to faulty lights, power cords or extension cords. A properly watered, fresh Christmas tree can protect property and lives compared to a dry tree -- and the difference can mean life or death.

The Consumer Products Safety Commission and the National Fire Protection Association have a video you can watch that shows the real difference between the fire risks over fresh vs. dry trees. Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMtGyRk5tTY&feature=youtu.be The video also shows the hazards of burning live candles.

The West Grove Fire Company urges area residents to practice these safety reminders for the Holiday Season!

See also: https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2019/CPSC-and-NIST-Team-Up-to-Demonstrate-Holiday-Decorating-Hazards